Double point finish for Vidales in Monaco

May 24, 2021

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Monaco, May 23 – Making his debut on the most iconic track of the Grands Prix scene, which is also home to Monaco Increase Management, David Vidales scored solid points in both races of the double-header round of the Formula Regional by Alpine series. The Prema Powerteam driver qualified fourth in his group, which granted him a fourth-row start on each event. But while the first race on Saturday morning was quite uneventful, the second one proved more of a challenge for the young drivers. Vidales finished Race 1 in seventh position, thus adding six points to his tally. At the start of race 2, he managed to survive a slight contact with former team-mate William Alatalo, then moved on earning P6 and ten more points in the end. The fourth round of the series is coming up already next weekend at Circuit Paul Ricard in southern France.
